Contact & About Company
You can contact me via Email or a regular post mail
Email: Maciej.Sznajder{at}
Address: Dolina Zielona 19A, PL65154 Zielona Góra, Poland
NIP: PL9730877849
REGON: 524070319
CEIDG entry: Central Registration And Information On Business
Company full name
The company full name is Maciej Sznajder Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe Sznajder
It is registered as a sole proprietorship company.
Company short name
The company short name is simply PW Sznajder.
For simplicity, companies in Poland use their short names. Hence, PW Sznajder is referenced in the released company publications, reports, and other documents.
P3RUN™ as a trademark and the name meaning
Companies are allowed to encapsulate their field of expertise in the form of trademarks. P3RUN trademark shall be read as PERUN - in Slavic mythology, it was a god of thunder.